Saturday, November 20, 2010

Things That Make No Sense...

This might as well be titled "Things I Don't Get: The Jersey Shore Part 2", because both clips I'm about to share with you feature someone from that show. I was recently given this article to explain why we love that stupid show so much. It's actually a pretty good read.

Now presenting....

The WORST PSA Ever Made

Okay... I'll give you a moment to process what you've just seen..... Yes, that was a teen mother and a STD infected jack ass pretending to act. My personal favorite is that "The Situation" refers to Bristol Palin as "B-Palin". Am I REALLY to believe that Ms. Bristol is being abstinent? Not a chance. With a mom as hot as hers, she definitely has something to prove. Also, "The Situation" wraps it every time? Psssssshhhht. Bullsit. Guaranteed that his doctor took one look at his disease ridden penis and that was where "The Situation" came from.

Without further adieu, I give you...

The Worst Song Ever Sung

WHO THE F**K GAVE HER STUDIO SPACE?!?!?! I mean seriously, I am ENRAGED right now. Lets forget for a minute that she has no talent, didn't she LEAVE the show TWICE?! Does anyone even like her? I mean, the others have SOME redeeming qualities, what does she have besides a trashy accent and a bad attitude? I don't get it.

1 comment:

  1. I lol'd a lot everytime he called her B-Palin. It's a shame such a good nickname is wasted on her...
