Sunday, April 3, 2011

Slacker Sunday: Some of my Favorite Websites Edition Part 2!

A couple of weeks ago, I introduced you to some of the websites I look at every day. Here are a few more!

Dlisted- Dlisted is the best place in the world for celebrity gossip. Better than TMZ, better than Perez Hilton, and funnier than both put together. Michael K. is my gossip god.

STFU Parents- Everybody who has facebook knows at least one or two people who are notorious for making posts about their kids ALL the time. This is a site dedicated to the most ridiculous of these posts. As a parent-to-be it's pretty amazing.

Passive Aggressive Notes- The most amazing passively aggressive notes you'll ever bear witness to.

Fail Blog- The most awesome fails you'll ever see.

The Oatmeal- You will laugh. Very very hard. Bonus points for being offended!

Maddox- The Best Page in the Universe.

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