Anyhoo, on with the show! Tonight we will be picture night. Woot! Lets start where we left off with Evan's post last night by showing you something that Evan and I thought was lost in time. While digging through the archives, we managed to find a mint condition first artist rendering of Space Woman from Outer space! So, ladies and gentlemen, without further adieu, I give you the first drawing of Space Woman ever made.....
Space Woman from Outer Space
I know what you're thinking, "My oh my! They sure did have bright colors back in the 20's!" Well, they did. So before you have a chance to question it, here are some pictures of my dog dressed up like a student at Hogwarts.
Bigby Potter: Wizard Dog
I'd like to state that it is NOT animal cruelty if he likes it.
I'm going to finish off today by posting the rest of the NYCC pics. Including Ugly Dolls, large bottles of Vitamin Water and yours truly dressed up like Ms. Marvel!
New York Comic Con
Ramona Flowers/Ms. Marvel crossover anyone? |
Guest author Evan T. (left) and newly geekified Russell H.! |
Ms. Marvel and Deadpool |
You know they used to date, right? |
Venom trying to cop a feel |
Moon Knight and the Ms. |
That's Marvelously Fantastic! *facepalm* |
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Ugly Dolls! |
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Team Awesome! |
And last but not least, I give you.....
If you have any comic con photos, or just generally amazing geeky photos to share, please feel free to e-mail me, and we'll get them up! Also, if you have your own version of Space Woman from Outer Space that you'd like to share with the group, please e-mail me that as well :-)
Looking forward to blogging you guys tomorrow! Get ready for Carly's Bi-weekly Comic Book Review Spectacular!
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